




Jáltipan, Veracruz, México

Due to recent earthquakes, The Documentation Center of the ¨Son Jarocho¨, located in Jáltipan Veracruz, suffered serious structural damage and needs to be rebuilt.
The new center will become a unique venue that commemorates the historical importance of this musical genre and culture, it will bring together the socio-cultural qualities of Jáltipan and its ¨Cojolites¨ by capturing them through its architecture.
Portraying the typical architectural elements of the site and reinterpreting them in a contemporary way the historical importance of the "Son Jarocho" will be brought back to life.
The project interprets the central courtyard as a multidisciplinary space in which various artisan activities converge, generating a large community nucleus where different philosophies, ideologies and generations merge to encourage and cultivate the roots of the upcoming Jálipan generations.